Reviewing, Re-engineering & Building

Pharmacy Financial & Team Performance


Welcome to Kokoda RX.

Our immediate aim is to increase your sales, cash flow and profitability

We offer highly experienced Specialist Retail Pharmacy Consultancy

We are based in Victoria, however we get in the trenches right across Australia on the front line with owners and teams and Review, Re-engineer and Rebuild Pharmacy Operations.

No aspect of the business is off limits!

Our two day review of your entire operation may feel confronting, however immediate solutions will be forthcoming! We will find the operational upside.

You may be accustomed to the various training and profitability services offered by others, however when you can see it being applied directly to your pharmacy and team, the results will astound you.

If you want to improve your overall trading position and with little change to your business or it’s character, then you need the input from Kokoda RX and Greg Kearns.

Greg Kearns can take your business from “how things are always done” to “how things should be done” which will place you in the upper cohorts of pharmacy business performance
— Bruce Robertson,Robertson Group Pharmacies, North East Victoria
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Greg’s Track Record: Greg has an 18 year proven track record of significantly improving the performance of both Corporate branded & Independent Pharmacies. Owners & teams love engaging with Greg while he is on site. His extensive hands on knowledge, combined with simultaneous management experience of multiple Pharmacies on behalf of owners, allows Greg to comfortably and professionally engage with all team members. Greg is not a pharmacist or an accountant, he brings extensive hands on business expertise and knows how to grow pharmacy profitability. These are unique skills.

Who refers Greg: Industry professionals including Leading Accountancy, Brokerage, Finance lenders & Wholesale credit departments. They see firsthand the significance & scale of the monies Greg will not only find, but more importantly quickly get it banked.

Purpose of the Review:During the two day review Greg will find the operational upside including profit that was not previously getting banked. For example this could range from tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Once identified, these monies will be banked.

Expected outcome: At the end of the two day review, the owner will receive a factual summary of the findings and a clearly articulated plan outlining what elements are going to be addressed, by whom and by when.

Optional Support service: Greg is retained by most sites to lead, coach, direct & support the team as they transition their operational changes.

So, don’t delay! Bookings are essential. 

Contact Kokoda RX today and lock in your front-line experience with Greg. 



The Kokoda RX platform includes a suite of services designed to comprehensively review financials including P&L, Gross Profit management, existing wage percentages and alternative operating solutions.

Pharmacy layouts, merchandise mix, and the maximisation of income from Professional Health Services also form part of the offering. Our focus is to get a higher return from every aspect of your pharmacy! Save you money…. generate more profit.

If you are considering purchasing a retail pharmacy and are seeking ways to grow its performance, Kokoda RX will provide these solutions.

Your team will be fully involved in the review. They will obtain a firsthand insight in to the challenging Retail Pharmacy landscape, solutions and their necessary involvement moving forward to guarantee success. After hours professionally facilitated training is on offer as part of the Kokoda RX program.

There is an old Chinese saying,”If you want some help, you have to trust that person 100%”.

If you haven’t had your pharmacy reviewed, why not give yourself the chance to see if there is extra cash you can bank annually?

Simply talk to Greg Kearns from Kokoda RX, it was one of the best decisions we ever made.
— Claire Yaun ,Pharmacy Proprietor,Bendigo
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